Sample Campus & Regional Cyberinfrastructure Plans
The following are examples of both campus or regional cyberinfrastructure plans from facilities around the U.S. Each plan was submitted as part of a proposal to National Science Foundation's Campus Cyberinfrastructure programs (CC-IIE, CC-NIE, CC-DNI, and CC*). These materials are provided as examples for universities and institutions looking to develop their own campus CI plans, strategies and architectures to support research, education, and discovery.
Older CI plans, submitted prior to 2016, can be found on the Historic CI Plan page.
University of New Hampshire Cyberinfrastructure Plan - 2008 to 2018
Executive SummaryUNH implemented its first 10-year CI Plan in 2008. Inspired in part by the 2007 NSF EPSCoR Cyberinfrastructure Workshop, which highlighted northern New England as the “black hole of connectivity”, and informed by and integrated with the vision and plans of the NH Governor’s Telecommunications Advisory Board (TAB), the State Director of Broadband Technology (NH Division of… Read More
Historic Campus & Regional Cyberinfrastructure Plans
The following are representative campus, and regional, cyberinfrastructure plans from universities around the U.S. Each plan was submitted as part of proposals to the 2012-present National Science Foundation's Campus Cyberinfrastructure - Infrastructure, Innovation and Engineering (CCNIE, CC*IIE, CC*DNI, CC*) program. These materials are provided as examples for universities and institutions looking to develop their own campus CI plans, strategies and architectures to support research, education, and discovery. Read More
University of California Riverside CyberInfrastructure Plan - 2025
The University of California, Riverside (UCR) stands as a vanguard of transformative research and scholarship, deeply rooted in historical advances in agriculture but now reaching across an expansive disciplinary horizon. With a commendable 70% growth in research funding over the past decade, UCR is steadfast in its commitment to its mission pillars, encompassing distinctive transformative… Read More