
pScheduler Troubleshooting

Sometimes pScheduler fails to run a test without returning a useful error message. If this happens, try the following:

1) Run the troubleshoot task and look for errors:
   localhost: pscheduler troubleshoot
   remote: pscheduler troubleshoot --host
2) Look for errors in /var/log/perfsonar and /var/log/pscheduler 


3) Check queue to see if too many test are waiting to be run:
   pscheduler monitor 
4) Use the 'Run URL' to check if the result has more information that was not passed back:
   pscheduler result run_url

See: pscheduler result --help for more info.

Slightly more information is available using curl with the Run URL:

curl -k "run_url?pretty"

The Task URL and Run URL are shown when the test is started, or to get list of Task URLs for a given pScheduler host:

   curl -k "https://localhost/pscheduler/tasks?pretty"
To get list of Run URLs for a given task:
    curl -k "task_url/runs?pretty"

To get details about a particular task:

    curl -k "Task_URL?pretty"
For more information see: