pScheduler is the perfSONAR tool to run various network test commands. The main pScheduler control port is 443. Make sure this port is not blocked by any firewalls.
pscheduler command [ switches/args ]
pscheduler task [ task-switches ] test [ test-switches ]
task-switches - Options that affect scheduling (how often, how many times, etc.), output format (plain text, JSON, HTML) and what host leads the test (see below).
test - What kind of test the task will do.
test-switches - Options specific to the kind of test being done.
pscheduler --help
pscheduler task --help
pscheduler task throughput --help
pscheduler plugins tests # list all tests pscheduler can run
pscheduler plugins tools # list all tools pscheduler can run
Some sample useful commands include the following.
Throughput Testing
Run a basic iperf3 throughput test:
pscheduler task throughput --dest receive_host
Run a iperf2 500Mbps UDP test throughput test:
pscheduler task --tool iperf2 throughput --dest receive_host --interval 2 -u --bandwidth 500M
Force IPv4 instead of default
pscheduler task throughput --ip-version 4 --source send_host --dest receive_host<
3rd Party test, specify Congestion Control
pscheduler task throughput --dest recvhost --source sendhost --congestion cubic
Latency/Loss Testing
Run ping to
pscheduler task rtt --dest
run a ping from host A to host B:
pscheduler task rtt --source send_host --dest receive_host
run owping from host A to host B, sending 1000 packets, spaced .01 seconds apart:
pscheduler task latency --dest receive host --packet-count 1000 --packet-interval .01
traceroute testing
run a tracetroute from host A to host B:
pscheduler task trace --source send_host --dest receive_host
run a tracepath from host A to host B, using a packet size of 8192 bytes. This will help find MTU issues.
pscheduler task trace --length 8192 --dest receive_host
Other useful pScheduler commands
measure the clock difference between your host and a remote host:
pscheduler task clock --dest hostname
measure the amount of time to do a DNS lookup:
pscheduler task dns --query --record a
show the upcoming test schedule for this host:
pscheduler schedule --filter-test=throughput --host hostname
show the tests run in the past hour:
pscheduler schedule --filter-test=throughput -PT1H