
2019-2021 Data Mobility Exhibition

Data mobility is a critical component of the process of science. Being able to predictably and efficiently move scientific data between experimental source, processing facilities, long term storage, and collaborators is a common use case that transcends the boundaries of research disciplines.


Current and previous CC* Awardees, along with the greater R&E community, are encouraged to participate in an exciting and beneficial data mobility exhibition that will be highlighted at the 2019 and 2021 CC* PI Meetings. Using reference data sets, and existing campus CI components, participants will download, measure, and potentially improve their scientific data movement capabilities. This event will begin in August of 2019, and will extend for two full years (through the CC* 2021 PI meeting).


This event is open to anyone in the R&E community, and CC* awardees (prior and current) are strongly encouraged to participate. Preliminary steps involve:

  1. Creating a brief (1-2 page) description of the network and data architecture for your campus environment using this template.  An example can be found here.
  2. Prepare a local data transfer machine, and the Globus Connect software.  Help can be requested at
  3. Download the reference data sets and record the results.  Information on this is available here:
  4. Share the description, and your results on a standardized spreadsheet, with the organizers via this form.
  5. For those that want to accelerate their results, 1:1 assistance, via the Engagement and Performance Operations Center (EPOC), is available:

Continuing Community Involvement

Exhibition participants that will be attending the 2019 CC and CICI PI meeting on September 23-25 in Minneapolis, MN can attend the data mobility workshop to further discuss and share their results. After the meeting, through Sept of 2021, participants can:

  1. Continue steps 1-5. 
  2. Discuss results and strategies via the CI Engineering list: 
  3. Assist in the writing a report and presentation for the 2021 CC and CICI PI Meeting that highlights the capabilities and improvements that have been made since 2019.

DTN and Data Mobility Performance Chart




 x10G, 25G, 40G, 100G DTNs



DTN host Transfer Rates 1/6 PetaScale

1/3 PetaScale

1/2 PetaScale 




1 PB/wk 


1 PB/day  


Future ExaScale: 

1 XB/month

Data Transfer Volume (Researcher)


 2 TB/hr 3 TB/hr     5.95 TB/hr 41.67 TB/hr     33.33 PB/day
Network Transfer Rate (Network Admin)    2.22 Gb/s 4.44 Gb/s   6.67 Gb/s    13.23 Gb/s 92.59 Gb/s     3.09 Tb/s
Storage Transfer Rate (Sys/Storage Admin)   277.78 MB/s  555.54 MB/s 833.33 MB/s    1.65 GB/s   11.57 GB/s    385.80 GB/s