
Other Tuning

This page contains a collection of other 100G tuning options. In our testing on ESnet hardware, these did not seem to make a difference, but we include them here in case you wish to experiment with them. Others we were not able to test due to being not supported in our environment. Some of these settings might be useful with older OSes. Please let us know your results if they work for you.

We recommend leaving these at the default settings, and none of these seem to impact performance on newer versions of Linux:

  • Interrupt Coalescence (ethtool -c)
    • Should be on by default, no need to change timing values rx-usecs or tx-usecs
  • LRO and GRO (ethtool -k)
    • defaults (LRO = off, GRO = on) work best
  • net.core.netdev_max_backlog. (in /etc/sysctl.conf)
    • default of 1000 works fine
  • increase txqueuelen: (/sbin/ip link set dev $ETH txqueuelen 10000)
    • default of 1000 works fine

Other Tuning